To start off any party, you know I had to whip up a cute invitation:
I tried to slyly convince John we should have a 'family only' birthday party (Matthew's was so fun with just family!) but he really wanted to invite his classmates this year. I really think he is loving his new school and new friends so I just couldn't say no to him! I am sure lots of moms have the dilemma of the toddler invite list. It can get HUGE pretty quick- family members, classmates, playgroup friends, family friends...YIKES! We just had to cut the list somewhere which is so hard! But, I digress...
We happen to live about 5 minutes from Lake Grapevine where they have day sites which were PERFECT for a camping party (and FREE!). John loves to go throw rocks in the lake (sounds boring to me! guess it is a boy thing) and climb on the big rocks. Plus the scenery is pretty nice for a birthday party! However, it was SOOOOOO windy the day of John's party. So that means all my cute party ideas, and cute party decorations I made, went out the window, couldn't set up the tent we brought, and I couldn't even put out the cupcakes because they would have blown away. This was all a little disappointing because I had ideas in my head of everything set up cute but the wind won out. Oh well!
One of the favors we had was a canteen for each guest. I set them out on the table next to a water jug so they could use them during the party. I got them at Oriental Trading and then put stickers on them that I made at home.
Here are a couple pictures of the kiddos hanging out, throwing rocks in the lake, and eating some yummy hot dogs. We had gummi bears (grizzly bears!) and the kids LOVED them!
One of the cute set-ups I had in my mind was a craft table so the kids could do a 'camp craft'. I made this sign (which of course couldn't be used due to the wind) and thought I would set up all the supplies on a table.
We still did the camp crafts, but it just wasn't set up beforehand. The kids didn't mind- they had fun painting their pinecones or making bird feeders. I had favor bags ready for them to bag up their works of art and take home with them.
We had all the supplies to make s'mores but I figured it was too windy to try to make a fire suitable for roasting marshmallows. Another grand idea that was thwarted by the DANG WIND!!!
After the party, the boys had a little camping experience in our backyard with Daddy. It was the CUTEST thing I have ever seen! I hung out for a little bit with them but then headed back inside since this 9 month preggo lady wasn't about to sleep on the ground! As I suspected, they lasted about an hour and then the boys decided they would rather sleep in their own beds. Brad was not about to argue with them so that was the end of their first camp out!
Last but not least, I made up this thank-you cards to look like post-cards. I actually finished writing the thank you cards last night and they are ready for the mail!
Please be a fan of lil Mop Top on facebook!! I link up to these parties!

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