I posted about the makings of the playroom HERE. These pictures are the updated, and mostly finalized, room.
Thomas' name made the wall on the left side of the room! We hooked up an extra TV for John's party and just left it there. I think we watched a movie once since then in there but I can see the appeal for when the boys are older and we make this room more geared toward a media room!

Seriously- these types of signs are so easy and cheap to make. I have posted about them several times on the blog because I make them so often!
The buckets and drawers have been labeled and are still organized. The boys know exactly what toys go in which bucket or drawer which is so helpful when it is time to clean up. (look how small T Bone looks here!)
One of my favorite new additions is this play table. I was really wanting a bigger table to easily fit the three boys. Also I wanted any cousins or friends be able to join in on the fun. However tables at places like Pottery Barn are way out of my small budget. So I improvised!

I found a kitchen table on craiglist for about $20. It was almost the same dimensions as a Pottery Barn table with the except of the height. Hand Dandy Brad sawed a couple inches off each leg and now we had a great sized table. Add a coat of a paint, a couple coats of poly to keep the paints/markers/crayons from staining it and we have a cheap and perfect play table! I absolutely love it!
The boys have a ton of dress up items. I always thought dress up was a 'girl' thing but boys love to dress up like super heroes, cowboys, firefighters and the like. So I hung up hooks for the hats and masks. Walmart had these cute chevron laundry baskets which we use to corral the clothes.
You can see in the above photo that we took the doors off the frame. We had double doors and they just seemed to be in the way. So we took them off, painted over the hinge space and stored the doors in the attic.
Lastly I whipped up some window drapings. This is actually left over fabric from when I made John's duvet cover. Obviously taking a quick glance at these bad boys will show they aren't professional looking. I kind of made it up as I went along but they do the trick of finishing off the window. I made the ties into small bows which look like bow ties...perfect for a boy's playroom! Fun Fact: Brad and I call this couch the 'magic' couch because within seconds of sitting on it we are fighting to stay awake. It puts us to sleep EVERY TIME which is not ideal when supervising children.
If you notice we have one of those 'teacher' calendars in which you can change the dates. John LOVES this thing! He went through a phase where he would take the wall calendar from his room and rearrange the numbers to fit each month of the year. Sounds so boring to me, but he loved it, and then memorized all kinds of stuff about days, dates, when months started, when they ended, and taught himself patterns. So, this purchase from the dollar spot at Target has been a dollar well spent!
The boys have enjoyed the playroom and I am glad it is all finished up! However, I do already have the layout ready for when it makes the transition to a media room...a couple years down the road...