Nest and Egg Matching:
I used the printables from Confessions of a Homeschooler and had John match plastic Easter eggs to each picture. It was great practice in counting on the picture and counting out the physical eggs. There are more great printable activities from COAH and if I am not too lazy, I will try some more of them out next week with the boys.
One-to-one Correspondence:
I put out a bucket of eggs and had John fill an old egg carton with eggs. This is practicing one-to-one correspondence. Then it quickly turned into throwing practice as John just started chunking eggs across the dining room.
Number Matching:
I revised the egg carton activity. I numbered the spaces in the carton and numbered the eggs. John practice putting the eggs in the correct spot. I was glad to have him practice numbers higher than 10, although he really had been a pro at numbers for a LONG time. If I had to guess, this was probably easy for him, but he liked it!
Egg Shakers:
For Mr. Matty B (look how cute he was in his little helmet!), I made him some egg shakers. I filled eggs with small items like beans, beads, etc. Then I hot glued the eggs shut AND taped around the seam to make sure those bad boys didn't open. He liked shaking them and hearing the noise. Even though it isn't picture, I also gave him a bucket of themed toys to play with on the floor: soft bunnies, Easter books, egg carton, etc.
Shape Matching:
I bought a set of Easter cookie cutters. I probably had good intentions of making sugar cookies or cute lunches. I doubt that actually happened. However, I did turn it into a matching activity. John matched the cookie cutter to the picture. Very simple!
Egg Decorating:
John is VERY allergic to eggs. So I was wondering how I would have the boys dye eggs without him being able to touch them. Thankfully I found a cute decorating set that had little foam roller brushes. So Brad helped hold up the egg and John could paint it without touching the egg. I even found another set this year and it is in the closet ready to go! I also saw online that you can put an egg in the middle of a whisk and dip that into the dye. I will try that one too!
However, I didn't trust Matthew to handle the eggs (he was so young still!) so he played with his egg rattles and watched us have the fun. I am so excited for him to be able to participate this year!
Of course we did all the traditional Easter festivities: tons of egg hunts, presents, making Easter Bread (YUM!), and of course wearing bunny ears Easter morning.
I am getting excited for Easter after writing this post so I am going to force myself to plan activities this week so we can get back into gear. This whole 'keep the house clean to sell it' thing is cramping our style! :)
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