**Fair warning- all my pictures turned out SOOOO blurry! I am so upset! So, I apologize upfront for poor picture quality. **
All the guests were told to think of their favorite thing and bring three of that favorite thing. I put a limit of $6 per item just to keep us from spending tons of money. For example, I love using big icing tips to make pretty cupcakes that look somewhat professional so I gave away icing tips, decorating bags, and sprinkles.
When the guests showed up, each person wrote their name on three sheets of paper and put it in a bowl.
After having time to chat and snack on our favorite appetizers that we all brought, we each took a turn explaining our favorite item. Then we drew three names from the bowl and gave away our favorite item to those lucky ladies. It was really fun to see everyone's favorite things and go away with new loot! I got awesome lip balm from Cooper Aerobics, yummy smelling candles from Bath and Body Works, and Jergen's Natural Glow tanning lotion.
Quinn got a pretty wreath from my sister that is prepped for a personalized monogram.
Sarah gave out pretty eye shadow.
To carry said loot, I had bags ready for each person. I really wanted brown craft bags but couldn't find them at Walmart so blue was the 2nd runner up. Inside the bag I put a notepage for people to write down anything they wanted to remember for later (brand names, flavors, etc). I think it was a nice touch, but I am pretty sure only one person wrote anything down. :)
As far as decorations, I put a couple food labels on the table for the favorites I had out (drink, dessert, and appetizer) and a sign I made the night before (mod podged to a scrap piece of plywood). I had grande ideas to make this all spiffy and decorated, but it just didn't happen.
Like I said, we had so much fun and it was nice to try something different with friends! I have seen several variations and modifications for this party so check out pinterest for more ideas if you are going to throw one of these parties yourself. It would be so cute if you did an Oprah theme with it because I totally felt like Oprah when I was getting ready for the party!

Please be a fan of lil Mop Top on facebook!! I link up to these parties!

Do you have a way of sending out the saying on the sign so I can use it? Thanks.