Onto today's post. I have realized that I need to start doing more crafts FOR ME. I love creating things and simply doing something instead of sitting around watching TV. However, usually everything I make is for other people. Either I am making presents for my nieces or friend's kids, making decorations for baby showers and birthday parties, or making stuff for Etsy. Very rarely do I make something for little ol' me. So I decided I would try to treat myself a little more and one way or another I am going make stuff either for me. On Friday's I will post what I made and I hope you guys will be inspired to do a little something nice for yourself if you haven't been already! Be sure to comment on what you are working on too!
And even though this goes without saying, my Friday posts won't be weekly since moms are still at the bottom of the totem pole. :)
So, here is what I worked on for about 30 minutes during nap time. It isn't the prettiest wipes case you have ever seen, but it is better than a plain white plastic one! I like how I am trying to craft for myself and the best I could do today was cover a wipes case that technically is used for the boys. Oh well.
I actually made a cute one when John was born, but Brad left it in a bathroom at Jason's Deli. You can tell he really treasured my hard work. Let's see how long this one lasts!
I link up to these parties!

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