is the point of my post. I made my goals today (AT THE GYM!! woohoo!) and while I won't share them because I don't want anyone to laugh, I realized that I need to be prepared when I go to the gym. When I coached cheerleading and taught dance (so random- I taught Algebra II, Algebra I, Dance, and coached cheer all in one year!! quite the mix!) I planned and led all of our workouts. And let me tell you, they were pretty tough! So over the weekend I am going to pull out my big ol' binder of workouts and start planning what I am going to do each week.
I guess I still haven't gotten to point. If you are still reading, here is the REAL point of the post: I am going to start Workout Wednesdays!!! Each Wednesday I will post what workouts I am doing that week. If anyone is working on getting healthy this year, I hope you find some of them interesting and you can do the workouts with me. in your own home or gym of course! unless you want to come to my house. 'cause that's cool too.
And just so you know, I will probably not be able to credit any of the workouts to where I found them. It is a HUGE mix of clippings from random magazines (mostly from Shape and Self), exercises from my trainer I had at one point, and exercises I have seen on Fit TV when we still had that channel a couple years ago. (Did anyone watch that channel?! Jeannette Jenkins was my all time favorite and you can rent her dvd's on NetFlix!) Just know I did not in any way make them up on my own!! I am not that cool.
I will give you one week to prepare for your muscles to be burning!!! :)
I link up to these parties!

Yay! This is a great idea and perfect timing! I have my postpartum check up Friday and am ready to get back to my pre babies weight!! :) As long as the workouts can be done from home I'm on board!