
Feb 9, 2011

Workout Wednesday

Ok guys, I hit a slight workout slump. Due to icy roads, I didn't make it to the gym last week, kids have been sick, I got sick, etc etc etc. So, I don't have my usual list of workouts for today. Ugh. I am giving myself the rest of this week to get my Valentine's Day party planned and done and get my act together so I am ready to start up my workouts again next week!

Until then, check out BODYROCK.TV. It is all about home work out excersises and challenges. I am 100% certain I will never look like the lady showing the workouts, but the work outs do look difficult yet something easy enough to try in your own home to build up strength and stamina. Seriously- go check out this website and come back to tell me what you think! :)

I link up to these parties!

1 comment:

  1. I was in the same boat last week! Thanks for linking BodyRock. I definitely need something like it! Kerri


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