
Feb 10, 2011

Burp Cloth Tutorial

My friend needed a little gift for a baby shower. The mom-to-be is having TRIPLETS!! Yowzas! Their names are Addison, Lillian, and Dylan. So cute! So I made a couple burp cloths for her. While I was at it, I figured I would take some pics and make a little tutorial for you!

I used some cute material and tried out using hand towels for the backing.

I usually use chenille (or faux cheapy chenille!) for burp cloths so I wanted to see what using terry cloth would be like. Well, let me just say I wasn't too impressed! I got some cheaper towels at Walmart and they were suprisingly too fluffy. I personally like the burp cloths a little flatter so they fit in my diaper bag, but maybe I am just weird!

So, back to the instructions!

Cut the 'pattern' ends of the hand towel so that you just have the terry cloth piece left over.

Then cut the terry cloth piece in half. (yes, I realize I didn't cut this in half! But I had extras so I was able to scrap the smaller piece!)

Cut your cute material pieces to size.

If you want to put an initial (or a full name), iron fusing material onto the back of your material. I used Heat and Bond. Then use a stencil (I print letters off my computer!) to trace the letter BACKWARDS on the Heat and Bond. Cut out the letters, peel off the backing, and then iron to your burp cloth. I ironed the letter on a couple inches above the edge.

I knew my material might start to pull and gather up as I sewed around the letters, so I also ironed on some light interfacing behind the letter. This help give a little backing and heft to the material.

Setting my stitch length short, I used a wide zig zag to sew around the edges of the letter.

Now pin cute material to a piece of terry cloth with right sides together. Sew around the edges, leaving an opening to turn the burp cloth inside out.

After trimming material as needed and clipping corners, turn burp cloth inside out, iron, pin opening, and top stitch around.

Here is the final product!

Pretty easy and a great way to give a special personalized gift. I think this is a wonderful project even for a beginner sewer. If I can do it, anyone can!

Here are all the burp cloths all done. I only added initials to three and left three plain.

This one is my favorite pattern! I have tons of this material left over and already have an idea for a project. So check back to see what I have in store for ya!

I link up to these parties!


  1. What a fantastic little gift
    and GREAT tutorial
    Thanks for sharing


  2. Very cute!! These are a favorite gift of mine to give and to receive.

    My Mom left her sewing machine at our house on her last visit. I think she is going to need to teach me how to use it on the next!

    Thanks for sharing!



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