
Aug 21, 2010

Pictures of the Boys!

This was another week hanging around the house, so I don't have a ton to share. My goal is to get my act together next week and do more fun stuff with John. I am actually venturing out next week to playgroup with both boys! I am excited to be social but a little worried about how my first time out with two kiddos will be. Anyways, here is what went on this week...

Matthew had his first tummy time. He did really well and lasted several minutes before crying! John had to join in and kept trying to feed him french toast! haha!

Matthew's umbilical cord FINALLY fell off and we could give him a real bath. He got so big already and the bath pictures really show it! He has outgrown all his newborn clothes and moved right on up to 3 month clothes. Ummmm, hello, he is only three weeks old! Holy canoli!

His hair gets all curly when it is wet...

and super straight when it is dry! Look how long it is!!!

Brad took John to the park Friday morning before it got too hot and it seems like he had a blast! He is getting so big too and outgrew he shorts in the past week. I seriously think these boys are going to be taller than me any day now!

Last but not least, we visited my grandpa today who is in rehab after having a heart attack about two weeks ago. This was the first time he met Matthew and I am glad he got to see him and hold him!

Anyway, off to try to sleep for a minute before Matthew wakes ready to eat again! :)


  1. The pictures of your children with your grandpa are beautiful and special.

  2. John is gettng so big!!! And, Matthew was already huge :)


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