
Aug 13, 2010

Messy, Messy, Messy!

I am still not back into my 'groove' of planning specific activities for the week. So we have just been playing and doing activities on the fly. Some ended up being messier than others!

For a fun sensory activity, John played with shaving cream. It is SUPER HOT here so there was no way we were going outside. I figured I would put a towel on the kitchen floor and we would be fine. Not so much! This is definitely an outdoor activity...especially when John John decided to clap his hands with shaving cream on them which splattered shaving cream everywhere. He also lathered up his legs and feet and then ran through the living room. Lovely! But he had fun so it was worth the clean up!

Another afternoon I filled the sink with water, dumped in some plastic bowls, plates, and tupperware lids and let John 'wash' the dishes. I showed him how to use the sponge and then put the dishes in the drying rack. He loved it! He eventually just used a bowl to transfer water to the drying side of the sink. Be sure to have a ton of towels laying around to help catch the water as it splashes everywhere!

And, lastly, we pulled out the fabric memory game I made and John enjoyed matching up the different patterns.

We pulled out flashcards often and he is doing really well at sorting by shapes and naming shapes. Naming colors is still a work in progress though! I am most proud though that he can count to ten now! He doesn't always do it perfectly, but he is so good with numbers right now! And since I am a nerdy math teacher, I am soooo excited! haha! :)

I link up to these parties!


  1. Fun! Looks like he had a blast with the shaving cream!!

  2. I have totally done the whole "put water and dishes in the sink" activity! It has allowed me to cook dinner, clean, etc!

    And I LOVE that memory game idea. I think I am going to sit down and make some tomorrow! I have been wanting to buy the memory game for her, but just never have....and I think she would absolutely love the fabric! Thanks!

  3. Great shaving cream fun!!

    Just wanted to let you know that I've featured your fabric memory game on my Round Tuit post this week:

    Thanks for linking up! I'm loving your blog and your cute creations and great kids activity ideas!
    I hope you have a great week!

  4. The picture of him with the shaving cream on his legs makes me smile!!


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