
Jul 13, 2010

Easiest Lamp Shade Recovering!

I had the cutest night light for John's baby room that we are moving into the nursery. My original plan was to recover the shade and leave it in John's room, but since he has moved into a big boy bed, he likes to take apart the night light (including unscrewing the light bulb!) so I don't feel like it is a good idea to leave it in his room anymore. So, to Matthew's room it goes!

Here is the shade in all its cute glory:

I had some extra material from recovering the bumper so I used some craft spray glue and went to work!

First I took off the brown trim. Not sure if that was necessary, but I did it anyways!

Then I cut a piece of material to size, sprayed the shade with glue and wrapped it with the new material. Once that was set (slightly crooked...oops!) I used the extra double fold bias tape to trim the top and bottom using hot glue.

Done! Seriously, that took all of 20 or 30 minutes.



Now it is plugged in and ready to go! I have one more thing to hang on the wall and then the room is DONE and I can post pictures! Get excited!


  1. You were done super fast! Not like me and my never ending coffee wreath! haha... but it looks really cute! (Your shade) :)

  2. Very nicely done. I can't wait to see it in Matthew's wall! Doesn't suprise me that John takes it apart.

  3. Nice little idea to coordinate the room.

  4. What a great idea! I love you cute this little light turned out! Thanks for linking up to Hoo's got talent!


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