
Apr 3, 2012

Toddler Art Tuesday - Painting with Eggs

Yes, we finally have another installment of 'Toddler Art Tuesday'! As the boys were watching a TV show, I quickly went to Pinterest to find a fun Easter themed activity to do with the boys. I found this egg painting activity from Hands On: As We Grow. I thought the boys would love it!

I taped construction paper onto the boys' slides. Each kiddo got 4 containers with paint and 4 plastic Easter eggs. The idea was for the boys to dip the eggs in the paint and then roll the egg down the paper. They did pretty well with it but honestly they didn't love it as much as I thought they would. However they still played outside with this set-up for about 20 minutes because Matthew was happy just playing with the paint (and thus covering his big 'ol belly with paint!) and John liked driving the trucks down the paint.

You can see this is not a clean and neat project. I am totally fine with that though!

Even the bath afterwards was messy as Matthew decided to use the left over paint on his hands to paint the bathtub. Thank goodness for washable paints!

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1 comment:

  1. I LOVE this activity Jen! And so smart to have them do painting on the slide outside! Thanks for sharing at oopsey daisy!


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