
Jan 24, 2012

Printable Bookplates - FREEBIES!

If your kiddos are anything like mine, they LOVE books. We have tons of books at our house and I love watching the boys picking up books and flipping through them. It is just so dang cute! Ever since the Build-A-Library baby shower that I co-hosted for my sister, I have been adding bookplates to the boys' books. The most recent favorite that I created are these cute grey ones.

I love being able to document who gave the boys that particular book! Slowly but surely, our library is being labeled either with these bookplates, or generic 'Brown Library' bookplates.

I have also started including a set of bookplates when I give books as gifts. I add one in the book with the boys' names written in, and then a set of blank ones for the recipient to add to other books in their collection.

So, because I love all my sweet readers, I am sharing some free bookplates for your personal use! You can hand write the names or use an editing program to add text to these. I have a blue, pink, and orange version that you are welcome to save and use for yourself or for gifts. (PLEASE, do not sell these bookplates! But you are welcome to make as many as you like and give away as many as you like!)

I print these onto Avery name tags, but you can resize these to fit the sticker labels of your choice. I like these Avery name badges because you can seperate them individually after printing rather than having a full sheet of stickers. They are a little more expensive than others, though!

Please be a fan of lil Mop Top on facebook!! I link up to these parties!


  1. Jen, these are so fantastic!! I love the idea of printing them on labels--so, so smart! Thx for sharing the printables! I am tweeting these now! Thanks for sharing at oopsey daisy!

  2. What a nice idea to make personalized bookplates, and very lovely, too. Thanks for visiting my blog! :)

  3. Thanks for stopping by my blog! And I love your book tags. How nice of you to share! Fanastic and good to "meet"ya!

  4. love the gift-giving design -- added to


  5. Thanks for sharing, I will bookmark and be back again

    Avery Name Badges


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