
Aug 5, 2011

Using Party Decorations

So, here's the deal. I love making party decorations but after the party, what the heck do you do with them?! Some I save and reuse (like John's Happy Birthday banner from his airplane party which was also used at his dinosaur party) but lots get thrown away.

Well, I decided to take the 'Matthew' pirate bunting I made and put it in his room. So, here is his room with a little more pizazz.

I absolutely love it! I think that if his room wasn't nautical in theme, the pirate bunting may not be appropriate. But I think it fits.

(and, btw, if you are looking for a pirate bunting, I am selling the one from Matthew's party!!)

And since we are talking about party stuff...look how cute the personalized towels are when they are hanging up in the boys' bathroom!! Love it!

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1 comment:

  1. Ooh I love it. I am planning on making one for my kids!


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