
Aug 12, 2011

For ME Friday!

I actually did a craft for myself last week! Oh My Gosh! I took this koozie...

and upcycled it to this...

Sorry for the crappy picture. I am too lazy to take another one! :)

It was pretty easy and was a quick no-sew project.

Want to fancy up a koozie you have stashed away in a kitchen drawer? This is how I did it:

Supplies: freebie koozie (sorry southwest credit union!), scrap fabric, ribbon, hot glue gun, fabric paint, paint brush

1. Using a piece of scrap fabric, cut a rectangular piece to size.

2. Use fabric paint to paint a letter. I took out the freezer paper to do this very neatly but quickly got lazy and just hand-painted it.

3. Once the paint was dry, use hot glue gun to glue fabric to the inside of the top of the koozie. Try to get your letter centered while doing this!

4. Repeat gluing around the bottom of the koozie. This takes a little more manuevering and cutting of fabric since there may be cut outs in the corners of the koozie. Try to make the bottom flat so the drink doesn't tip over!

5. I again used the hot glue gun to add a ribbon trim to the top and bottom. This kind of gives it a little more of a finished edge.

6. Put drink in koozie and enjoy.

and I actually added another coat of paint at this point so in real life the pink stands out a lot more. Again, I am too lazy to take another picture. So use your imagination! :)

Pretty cute, right? And I was reading a magazine at the doctor's office last week and wouldn't you know it- there was a whole page showing cute fabric koozies that looked REALLY similar to this one. I am pretty sure they cost way more than using scrap fabric to cover a freebie koozie.

What are you working on for yourself?

Please be a fan of lil Mop Top on facebook!! I link up to these parties!


  1. Vey cute! You’re so crafty!
    Kendra :o)

    Ps....Do you have your blog set so your commenters have to pick a profile to comment with or is that something new that blogger is doing? I always have to comment as anonymous on your blog for some reason.

  2. Very nice! Now I know what to do with all those that my son picks up and calls his 'baseball gloves'!

    Just clicked a 'like' on your fb page.

    My page @ fb: roses.mamamagic

    Do stop by when you have a moment. Love your button for etsy shop too!!


Thanks so much for taking the time to leave a comment! They make my day when I read them!...unless you are being mean, then they don't make my day. :)