
Jul 14, 2011

Pretty Girl Bib {tutorial!}

One of the several gifts I made my sister for her baby shower last weekend was this cutey cute bib.

Don't you love it?! Want to make one for your favorite little baby girl? Well, this is how I did it.


-scrap fabric
-hot glue or fabric glue
-sewing tools (machine, thread, scissors, etc)

1. Use a bib to trace and cut out from the front material. If you don't have a bib at home, there are TONS of templates for bibs on the internet to use!

2. Using coordinating scrap material, cut into strips with pinking shears. Mine were about 1-2 inches wide.

3. Ruffle the strips of fabric by setting your stictch length as long as it will go and the tension as tight as it will go. Sew down the middle of the fabric and it will ruffle up like magic! Do not stay stitch at the ends!

4. Once you made three strips of ruffles, pin to the bib piece. Then sew each ruffle strip again down the center of the ruffle. Be sure to put your stitch length and ruffle back to its normal setting! After sewing, you can use a seam ripper to take out the original stitch you made to ruffle the fabric. But, that is optional!

5. Now take the bib and put it face down on the backing material. I used pink minky dot but you can use flannel, cotton, or even terry cloth. After pinning, sew the bib to the backing. Leave a 2 inch opening to turn the bib right side out.

6. After sewing, cut around the edge of the bib to trim the backing.

***I didn't take pictures of this, but I made three rosettes using more scrap fabric. Again, there are tons of tutorials online on how to make fabric rosettes.***

7. Turn the bib right side out. Sew on your fabric rosettes through the opening of the hole you just used to turn the bib right side out. This step was probably the hardest of the whole process. I broke two needles and broke the thread at this step and I was getting SO frustrated!

8. Now pin the opening closed and top stitch around the entire bib.

9.To complete the bib, add velcro to the neck pieces and sew in place.

How precious is this?! I love that it isn't the usual pink but it is stilly girly and perfect for any little girl. I can't wait to see Miss Emma wearing this bib!

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