
Apr 26, 2011

Slight Break In Programming...

Hey everyone! So, I am still alive out here, but I haven't posted in the last week or so. I kind of have a lag in motivation in lots of areas right now- blog, tot school, crafting, etc. Plus I got a virus on my computer which means I lost any recent files, so tot school will have to be re-created. :( I have a couple things I have done but haven't posted about (parties, crafts, tot school activities) but I just haven't felt like doing anything. Part of me feels like I am blogging for no real reason and part of me likes to do it and hopes that readers enjoy it. I kind of had a slight melt down with my husband a couple weeks ago, thus the recent absence. SOOOOOO, I will get back on track soon and get back to blogging if I feel it is what I want to do...and hopefully it is something I want to continue doing because I love to go back and read about my favorite boys! Sorry to my faithful readers- mom, brad, al and em! :)

And seriously, how cute are my favorite boys?!


  1. I LOVE reading your blog, seeing all the exciting and fun activities you have planned for your boys. You are a wonderful Mom and I'm so proud of you.


  2. I think we all need a break from time to time, but we will miss ya and your adorable boys!

    BOO to computer viruses!



Thanks so much for taking the time to leave a comment! They make my day when I read them!...unless you are being mean, then they don't make my day. :)