
Mar 22, 2011

Toddler Art Tuesday

Last week I invited our playgroup over to the house for some arts & crafts. I saw the idea to make colored shaving cream from Meet the Dubiens and figured I would try it out with the kiddos. I had let John play with shaving cream before and he loved it so I knew adding color to the mix would be perfect.

I am so glad the weather worked out because this is definitely an outside activity! (How smart of Meet the Dubiens to do this in a bathtub where the kids are confined to one space!). We ended up having about 9 friends over which meant that we definitely needed to take this activity outside so my house didn't get destroyed. haha!

I let the kids paint directly onto a plastic picnic table, which was covered immediately. By the end of the morning the kids had painted the slide, scooters, tricycles, toys, their hands, and some baking pans. And I will tell you that using some cheapo house painting brushes from the dollar store worked WAY better than the small kid water color type paint brushes.

I was nervous that all the toys would be stained from the food coloring but I hosed them off and they were perfectly clean. As far as I can tell, John's clothes came out of the wash clean...and his hands finally were back to normal color after a bath that night! :)

So, do you think they had fun?!

I link up to these parties!


  1. So fun! There is something about taking the rules off of kids when they're creating that makes it such a special experience for them. Your post has inspired me to do that a little more. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Looks like all the kids were creative and having a ball. How fun.

  3. Yeah! I'm so glad they loved it. Thank-you so much for linking to me.

  4. This looks like so much fun! The kids must have had a ball! Good luck on your slipcover.


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