
Mar 29, 2011

Toddler Art Tuesday {BABY edition!}

Last week I did a little art project with baby Matthew (8 months old). John did this project back when he was in day care so I thought it would be cute to do it with Matthew too!

Let's call this Diaper Picasso! I printed a picture of a diaper (should have done it black and white instead of colored, but too late!), painted Matthew's diaper, and made a cute little butt print on the paper. So easy and perfect for the baby book. Plus I love that we have a ton of foot prints and hand prints so this is something different.

Look at those chubby little legs! Don't you just want to squeeze them!?!?!

I link up to these parties!


  1. That is so funny! I love it!

    Matthew is so precious! Love how he is looking right at you for the pic!


  2. Your brave :) I so forgot to thank you for all the wonderful homeschool links, they were all awesome!!

    Angie @

  3. What a creative and fun idea! Matthew is a cutie!


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