
Jan 31, 2011

Letter B for Bear {part 1}

Last week we worked on our Letter B week. The pattern seems to continue in that I plan too much for one week. Combine that with being busier than I thought we would have been (play groups, library story, Kidokinetics class, being sick, baby sitting my neice, etc) and we definitely run out of time! No biggie- we will just extend it to this week too! So here is what we did last week for our B activities.

John practiced putting his pegs in the letter B and stacking towers. He did this once, put it away, and didn't go back to it for the rest of the week. So I think I might pack this one up for a couple weeks since he seems to be bored with it!

Using the Letter Of The Week from Confessions of a Homeschooler, we did a butterfly cut and paste. I cut out the parts and John glued them down. He did pretty well (and thanks to my new table cover I wasn't worried about our table getting glue all over it!)

Uncle Tyler made this golf tee game several years ago and we are now using it with John for his fine motor skills. He practiced putting the tees in the hole and then balancing the golf ball on the pegs. He LOVES golf balls so this is perfect for him!

We used a bean bag to place on different parts of John's body. So, as I called out things like 'head', 'shoulder', etc, he would put the bean bog on that body part. He also would put the bean bag on his bear's body parts. It was cute!

At Kidokinetics (which John LOVES), the kids played with beach balls this week. How perfect was that?! I am so glad I signed John up for this class because he loves to run around and play sports. We also head straight to storytime at the library after this class so it ends up being a really great morning out!

We have been reading The Baker's Dozen (a cute counting book) so we baked cupcakes on Friday. I tried to dye the batter blue, but ran out of blue food coloring so the cupcakes ended up green. haha! I found bear sprinkles at the store which were perfect for the week! John practiced using a spatula to spread out the icing (which was really difficult for him) and he enjoyed shaking the sprinkles on top. Once again, he only ate a bite or two of the cupcakes without frosting and decided he didn't like cupcakes all that much. What a silly kid!

We pulled out the big foam letter floor puzzle and had some fun practicing John's letters. I gathered up all his bears (how does he have so many stuffed bears?! And I have only bought ONE of those for him!) and I would call out a letter and John would put a bear on that letter. After we did that once or twice with all his bears, we would throw the bear on the mat and call out the letter that the bear landed on. John really liked this activity and we came back to this one the next day at his request!

We used the fridge phonics this week and now sing the song that goes with it for the letter B. It has really helped John to learn the sound that goes with the letter! (sorry- no pics of this one!)

This wasn't really related, but twice this week we walked down the street where they are fixing part of the road to see what was going on. John LOVES cars/trucks/tractors and really enjoyed seeing the big construction vehicles. The second time we went, we watched the workers smooth out the cement and watched as they poured the cement from the truck. John just sat down on the sidewalk and watched in amazement. It was so cute! The workers probably thought we were weirdos, but oh well!

Tomorrow starts our Letter B week part II! :) woohoo!

I link up to these parties!


  1. Very interesting activities:-) I love the idea of throwing bears on the foam alphabet and the one with golf balls. Have a wonderful B week. Hugs from Poland. Ewa

  2. What a fun week learning about the letter B! My little guy is the sam age and he LOVES to help in the kitchen too!

  3. Definitely going to try the golf ball! Laughing about the cake batter. I did that for my nephew's baseball party. Ran out of red....So, they got a pink baseball. Oh well:-) Still enjoyed it as I am certain yours did too! Kerri

  4. What a fun week! I especially like those big stacking screws. And those cupcakes looked delicious to me. And how cute are those bear sprinkles?


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