
Dec 7, 2010

Dinosaur Tot School #1

This week is John's dinosaur themed birthday party so we did a couple activities this week for tot school that were dino themed. I was going to do one big post, but that is too time consuming so I am going to share some of our favorite activities on individual posts. Here is our first one!!

Dinosaur Shape Sorting...with a Christmas twist!
I found this printable for dinosaur shapes so I printed just the first page with the dinosaurs. Then I cut them out, laminated them, and put each one on a 'present'. Then I put a bunch of plastic shapes in a stocking. John pulled out a shape from the stocking and then sorted it into the correct present.

Where did all these plastic shapes come from, you may ask? We have five shape sorter toys at our house. FIVE!! I cleaned out John's toys this past weekend to make room for Santa's new toys, but I couldn't bear to part with such great manipulatives and each sorter had a different set of shapes. I am kind of a hoarder...

John worked on this activity for about 20 or 30 minutes, which is a long time for him! He is on the verge of being obsessed with dinosaurs so he loved saying the names of each dinosaur as he put in the shapes. We also counted each type of shape as he put them in and out of the stocking.

And tonight when he went to bed, he gathered up each box and kissed each dinosaur goodnight...and took one to bed with him. How cute is he!?

I link up to these parties!


  1. Your dino toys are so cute buddy! I am so glad you have those. Cool photos.

  2. Oh Hi, so nice to 'meet' you! I love the dinosaur theme - one of my faves for a little boy! These are great pics. I followed your blog, so am looking forward to seeing all the fun here, you can find me @ Jane:)

  3. Hi Jen,

    Looks like fun! We got your Christmas card-and you guys have made it onto our fridge. Your boys are getting more and more handsome by the day, you must be one proud momma!

    Hope all is well with you guys. Enjoy your holidays and hope the new year brings you and your family much (more) happiness and prosperity :)


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