
Nov 8, 2010

Menu Board - Printable!

I'm back! Best Buy surprised me by fixing my computer in just a few days rather than a couple weeks. Awesome!

I have seens lots of menu boards around and I love them! Unfortunately, I don't really have wall space for a big board. We have been writing down our weekly meals on Sunday so we could make sure we had everything planned out and food bought ahead of time. I always feel bad because it is wasting paper each week. So, I whipped this bad boy up tonight.

{yes, I even plan lunch because I feel like then I won't be tempted to give John the same thing every day and I won't skip lunch and just eat cookies all day long!} I am going to laminate it (with my $5 garage sale laminator!!!) and then use an overhead marker to write on it each week. I am also going to put magnets on the back of it so I can easily put it on the fridge. (love recycling those advertising magnets!) I love that is small enough to fit on the fridge and not take up extra space on the walls.

I didn't make a space for Saturday and Sunday because we are almost always busy on the weekends going out to visit family or friends so I am not picky about planning those meals. Plus, we only really needed to plan the weekday meals to alleviate the arguments of 'what's for dinner' when Brad got home and we needed dinner ready in the next 30 minutes because we are still in the phase of revolving everything around a nursing baby! :)

Feel free to grab a copy and use it at your house! Or, it would be a cute stocking stuffer for those dorky organized people (like me!)...just add some markers and maybe even attach the markers to the menu board with ribbon!

I link up to these parties!

1 comment:

  1. That is awesome! I would love for you to link up at my Strut Your Stuff Party!


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