
Jul 25, 2010

Animals Sensory Bin

John is 20 months!

I am kind of taking it easy this week as far as activities go. So, I thought I would share what we did today since I doubt I will be doing much before the big day on Thursday!

I have been wanting to make some sort of sensory bin for a while so I thought I would do an animal-themed bin. I decided to use Rice Krispie cereal because I KNEW that John would try to eat it. Plus I knew we weren't going to eat it and it would be thrown away soon anyways. So, I dumped the cereal in a box, tried to hide some of his plastic animals, and let him have at it!

I put out the little rake and shovel, but John didn't really want to use them. He did take out each animal and name them- so cute! A tip is to do this activity on a towel or mat for easy clean up. Not only did John try to eat the cereal but he also dumped the whole box out on the towel. I figured that would happen too and so the towel made cleaning up much easier! He also liked walking over the cereal and hearing the crunching sound so I didn't mind that he made a mess.

Other Random Animal Stuff
-We have been reading "Bark, George" and "Cock a Doodle Quack Quack" over and OVER and OVER again the past couple days. They are really cute animal books but after reading them for the hundredth time...I am getting tired of them! John LOVES them though!

-We also played with animal flash cards. I used my pocket chart for the first time {yeah!!} and put a bunch of animal cards up and asked John to hand me the bear, or the fish, etc. He did it almost perfectly which is awesome, but a very short activity that was too easy for him. He enjoyed it so I guess that is all that matters!

-If I have my act together, I would like to make animal puppets from paper bags since John loves puppets. This may have to wait until after the baby is born.

So there you have it! The next time I post, I will have TWO precious boys...YIKES! :)


  1. wow that's a great idea! I make sensory bottles for my nephew all the time. My latest one was buttons and seed beads add a couple of drops of water so that they stick to the sides of the bottle and hot glue shut. He loves them! I am going to have to try this incredible edible sensory box though :D

    Thanks for stopping by hope you come back and visit us again!

  2. What a fun idea! My daughter would love this! Congrats on baby number 2! Thanks for linking up to Hoo's got talent!

  3. I love the idea to use cereal...I have a 15 month old who would try to eat whatever I put in, and now I wouldn't have to fret as much...thanks for sharing!

  4. What a great project! Just wanted to let you know I'll be featuring it on Tot Tuesdays tomorrow :)


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