
Jun 22, 2010

Nursery Walls are Up!!

We are making some progress in the nursery! I am so excited on how the room is turning out so far, so here is a sneak peak of what the final room will look like.

We started with this plain blue room. When we first moved into the house, we used it as my craft/computer room...

...and then it became the guest bedroom when John was born. Now it is making its third transformation into a nursery! Here are some pics of the room all cleared out and the baseboards and door trims off.

Brad so kindly repainted it to a different shade of blue to match the bedding. Then he and my dad started working on creating a board and batten on the walls. Unfortunately they didn't get everything finished and Brad spent many nights finishing up all the wood work. Thankfully John is such a great helper!

After a couple coats of paint, the walls look awesome! They turned out to be less board and batten and more paneling, but that was actually what I wanted originally so I am really really happy with how it turned out!

We still have to paint the doors and do a little touch ups where the painters tape didn't quite hold up. I am so lucky that Brad worked so hard in that room just for me! (and Matthew, although he probably doesn't have a preference to how his room looks!) What do you guys think so far?!


  1. Wow it looks really good! Way to go Brad!

  2. The room looks so great!!! I LOVE the boards on the wall and that shade of blue!

    I do think it might be a little too warm for you to chase your little one at the arboretum at 8 months pregnant! Ha! I was sweating so much!! But the fall would be nice and you could take both!

  3. It looks awesome!!! Y'all did a great job, so crafty! :)


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