
Apr 20, 2010

Check It Out!

I just won a great corsage wristlet from Sweet Charli's Boutique! Check them out at (sorry- I can't get it to link up!) I am so excited since I never win anything and can't wait for it to come in the mail!

A new tutorial is coming soon- just in time for Mother's Day!


  1. Just stopping in and looking around from Follow Friday! And just became your newest follower! Yea! Hope you stop by and return the favor!

    My blog is all about interior design and remodeling there are some great tutorials so you can get the look you want on a budget! We also have a party every Friday to show off your stuff!!

  2. Isn't winning stuff a ton of fun? Congrats!

    Thanks so much for stopping by to comment on my napkin tutorial. I am now your newest follower!


Thanks so much for taking the time to leave a comment! They make my day when I read them!...unless you are being mean, then they don't make my day. :)