Here are some examples of triangles in my photos.
Similarly, diagonals can enhance the composition of your photo. Here are two examples.
Lastly, finding patterns or repetitions can have an impact on your photos, especially if the pattern breaks in the photo. For example, in this photo I took with my camera phone (which is HORRIBLE and my pictures are always awful using it!), there is a pattern of the buckets in the playroom. John's cute little body tucked in the space breaks that pattern and gives interest to the photo.
YOUR challenge is to practice looking for triangles, diagonals, and patterns when taking photos. Share your favorites with the rest of us!
For those smarty pants among us, challenge yourself by finding as many triangles as you can in one shot. Or find triangles and diagonals in subjects you normally don't shoot (nature, architecture, pets, etc). Find triangles in the shadows. Be creative!
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