As you may know, I am starting taking up a a new obsession: photography. I have always been drawn to lifestyle photography rather than posed shots. Luckily for me, this style seems to work much easier for me and my main subjects: three squirmy boys. I have no clue how to pose people and I want to document our every day lives, not some posed 'cheese' shots.
So I thought I would share some of my recent favorites and why this works for me.
1. Showing off my kiddos in action I certainly don't have a knack for getting my kids to sit in one spot for more than two seconds. So it is much easier for me to photography the fun things we do. Blowing bubbles outside was one of our 'summer bucket list' items and I love this one of Matty B.
We had a pretty good rainstorm a couple weekends ago and thankfully there was no lightning. So it was a perfect time to whip out the umbrellas and rainboots for a little fun in the rain. I didn't have the camera out at first since it was impromptu (we were actually waiting for friends to come over at any minute!) but I am glad I grabbed the camera to take a couple shots of Thomas who is still too young to understand how an umbrella works.
I was able to have John stand still for about 30 seconds to get this picture. Miracles do happen!
We took the boys to the lake near our house last weekend to play before dinner. I actually didn't like any of the pictures I took and decided to edit this one anyways since 'going to the lake' was on the bucket list. After I cropped and edited I decided I liked it after all. :)

2. Even 'staged' shoots aren't posed. I set up these ottomans in front of the window one morning because I had just read about back lighting and wanted to practice. So even though it was staged, I just sat back and took photos as Thomas explored. Some of the pictures from this morning are now my favorites!
3. Kiddos don't always cooperate! I tried the same staged photo session with Matthew and it didn't go as planned. Instead of sitting on the ottomans, he hid from me most of the time, thinking it was a fun game. So instead of getting frustrated, I took photos of what was happening- a little boy hiding from his mommy! I love the ones of his cute tushie and toes peeking out from being the chair.
I was still able to get on shot of him with a nice natural smile, albeit a slightly out of focus one.
I feel like I have found what style photography works best for me and I love it!
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